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PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API is available as SDKs to help you get up and running quickly. You can then leverage the samples in your own code

Get Early Access

The PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API is currently available as Early Access. To request access, Contact Us. Once you receive confirmation that you’ve been given access, proceed to the next step to Get API credentials.

Get API credentials

Calling the PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API requires an Adobe-provided credential. To get one, click here and complete the workflow. Be sure to copy and save the credential values to a secure location.

Install SDK and samples

PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API is available as SDKs in Java and Python.


Jumpstart your development by bookmarking or downloading the following key resources:


Once you complete the Get API credentials, a zip file automatically downloads that contains content whose structure varies based on whether you opted to download personalized code samples. The zip file structures are as follows:

  • Personalized Download: The samples download zip contains a private.key file and an adobe-dc-pdf-services-sdk-java-samples with a preconfigured pdfservices-api-credentials.json file.
  • Non Personalized Download: The samples download zip contains the private.key file and a pdfservices-api-credentials.json file.

After downloading the zip, you can either run the samples in the zip directly, or you can replace the pdfservices-api-credentials.json and private.key files in the Java sample code with those in the zip.

Example pdfservices-api-credentials.json file

Copied to your clipboard
2 "client_credentials": {
3 "client_id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
4 "client_secret": "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>"
5 },
6 "service_account_credentials": {
7 "organization_id": "<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID>",
8 "account_id": "<YOUR_TECHNICAL_ACCOUNT_ID>",
9 "private_key_file": "<PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH>"
10 }

Install Java and Maven

Skip this step if you already have Java and Maven running on your computer.

  1. Install Java. The SDK has been tested with Java 8, but it should also work with newer versions.
  2. Verify your installation by running this command javac -version.
  3. Download and install Maven. The SDK works with maven 3.8.1 or newer versions.
  4. Verify your installation by running this command: mvn -version.
Option 1: Personalized samples setup

The quickest way to get up and running is to download the personalized code samples during the Get API credentials workflow. These samples provide everything from ready-to-run sample code, an embedded credential json file, and pre-configured connections to dependencies.

  1. Download and extract the Java sample project.
  2. Cd to the project directory (which contains pom.xml file) and build the sample project with Maven using this command in terminal: mvn clean install.
  3. You can import the samples Maven project into your preferred IDE and run the samples from there or run the below commands from terminal:
To generate tagged PDF of version 1.7 from the sample file
Copied to your clipboard
mvn -f pom.xml exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.adobe.pdfservices.operation.samples.autotagpdf.AutotagPDF

Note: The above commands run on the input file “autotagPdfInput.pdf” present in “src/main/resources” directory and generate result in “output” directory inside the project. If the output files already exist, the commands will report an error.

Option 2: Generic samples setup

If you did not choose Personalized Code Sample Download during the credential setup process:

  1. Download and extract the Java sample project.
  2. Copy the downloaded zip to the directory that you set-up for this project and unzip the files there.
  3. In the top-level directory of your samples, find and replace following files with the one present in the downloaded zip file from Get API credentials step:
    1. pdfservices-api-credentials.json
    2. private.key
  4. Cd to the project directory (which contains pom.xml file) and build the sample project with Maven using this command in terminal: mvn clean install.
  5. You can import the samples Maven project into your preferred IDE and run the samples from there or run the below commands from terminal:
To generate tagged PDF of version 1.7 from the sample file
Copied to your clipboard
mvn -f pom.xml exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.adobe.pdfservices.operation.samples.autotagpdf.AutotagPDF

Note: The above commands run on the input file “autotagPdfInput.pdf” present in “src/main/resources” directory and generate result in “output” directory inside the project. If the output files already exist, the commands will report an error.


Jumpstart your development by bookmarking or downloading the following key resources:


Once you complete the Get API credentials, a zip file automatically downloads that contains content whose structure varies based on whether you opted to download personalized code samples. The zip file structures are as follows:

  • Personalized Download: The samples download.zip contains a private.key file and an adobe-dc-pdfservices-sdk-python-samples directory. Each sample directory contains the sample code as well as a preconfigured pdfservices-api-credentials.json file.
  • Non Personalized Download: The samples download zip contains the private.key file and a pdfservices-api-credentials.json file.

After downloading the zip, you can either run the samples in the zip directly, or you can replace the pdfservices-api-credentials.json and private.key files in the Python sample code with those in the zip.

Example pdfservices-api-credentials.json file

Copied to your clipboard
2 "client_credentials": {
3 "client_id": " <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> ",
4 "client_secret": " <YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET> "
5 },
6 "service_account_credentials": {
7 "organization_id": " <YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID> ",
8 "account_id": " <YOUR_TECHINCAL_ACCOUNT_ID> ",
9 "private_key_file": "private.key"
10 }

Install Python

Skip this step if you already have Python running on your computer.

  1. Install Python 3.7 or higher.
  2. Verify your installation by running this command: python --version.
Option 1: Personalized samples setup

The quickest way to get up and running is to download the personalized code samples during the Get API credentials workflow. These samples provide everything from ready-to-run sample code, an embedded credential json file, and pre-configured connections to dependencies.

  1. Download and extract the Python sample project.
  2. Cd to the project directory (which contains requirements.txt file) and build the sample project using this command in terminal: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. You can import the samples project into your preferred IDE and run the samples from there or run the below commands from terminal:
To generate tagged PDF of version 1.7 from the sample file
Copied to your clipboard
python src/autotagpdf/autotag_pdf.py

Note: The above commands run on the input file “autotagPdfInput.pdf” present in “src/main/resources” directory and generate result in “output” directory inside the project. If the output files already exist, the commands will report an error.

Option 2: Generic samples setup

If you did not choose Personalized Code Sample Download during the credential setup process:

  1. Download and extract the Python sample project.
  2. Copy the downloaded zip to the directory that you set-up for this project and unzip the files there.
  3. In the top-level directory of your samples, find and replace following files with the one present in the downloaded zip file from Get API credentials step:
    1. pdfservices-api-credentials.json
    2. private.key
  4. Cd to the project directory (which contains requirements.txt file) and build the sample project using this command in terminal: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. You can import the samples into your preferred IDE and run the samples from there or run the below commands from terminal:
To generate tagged PDF of version 1.7 from the sample file
Copied to your clipboard
python src/autotagpdf/autotag_pdf.py

Note: The above commands run on the input file “autotagPdfInput.pdf” present in “src/main/resources” directory and generate result in “output” directory inside the project. If the output files already exist, the commands will report an error.

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